Extension of „Brain“ Cluster heats new data center of University Greifswald
The hot water-cooled “Brain” cluster of University of Greifswald, which was delivered in 2015, will be extended this year by a new HPC cluster. Both systems will be operated in the new data center. In addition to installing the new HPC cluster, MEGWARE also handles the new installation of the "Brain" cluster and its move into the new data center.
The extension includes 180 hot water-cooled MEGWARE SlideSX®-LC compute nodes which are integrated in three racks. Additional management systems and network switches will be installed in one air-cooled rack. The MEGWARE compute nodes are equipped with Intel® Xeon® 6240 CPUs and a total of 6480 cores. The new cluster has 34.56 TB main memory and four management systems. All nodes are connected to an Ethernet network with 100Gb / s.
The complete hot water cooling of both systems with 260 compute nodes enables directly extracting the heat and releasing into the water cycle. The water is fed into the heating circuit with return temperatures of 60 degrees Celsius. The new data center draws its heat exclusively from the MEGWARE compute nodes and works, with significantly lower noise emission, extremely energy-efficient.