Latest news about projects, installations, exhibitions and events of MEGWARE.
The countdown has started – two weeks to go until ISC opens its doors from May 21 to 25 to the HPC community. For the sixth time, the supercomputing…
Time to relax!
We wish you a wonderful start into spring and a bright and happy Easter filled with lots of yummy Easter eggs!
MEGWARE at NHR@FAU Colloquium
To celebrate two years of national HPC service of NHR@FAU, a colloquium is taking place today at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.
In addition to a first…
MEGWARE sponsors HPC Symposium
We are pleased to sponsor the 2nd High Performance Computing and Quantum Computing Symposium, hosted by the Deggendorf Intitute of Technology.
Container-based HPC-System
Our new video of HSUper is out now and we are especially pleased to show you this time a container-based HPC solution – designed and implemented by…
MEGWARE made it to the Top500
The new Top500 list is published and we are proud to announce that 6 of our currently installed High Performance Supercomputer belong to the 500 most…
SC22 is calling!
The this years SC22 is taking place from today until November 17th in the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas. After a three years break due…
Meet MEGWARE at SC22!
Time is running out. Only two weeks to go until SC22 in Dallas! From November 14 - 17, we warmly welcome you at our booth #3911 to present you besides…
60 years URZ Leipzig
This event was celebrated yesterday with an official ceremony in the Paulinum of University of Leipzig. One of the guests was our Prime Minister…
New VSC-5 video out now
Just in time for today’s inauguration, our new video on the VSC-5 has been finished. With a look behind the scenes of MEGWARE we show you where the…
MEGWARE is running!
Yesterday, numerous runners flocked into Chemnitz inner city for the annual Chemnitz company run. Traditionally dressed in blue, 11 MEGWARE runners…
Video shoot at VSC-5
With the Vienna Scientific Cluster 5 (VSC-5), a joint project of several universities, Austrian science will have the next world-class…
We are getting active support today. As part of the "genialsozial" campaign day, Johanna is helping us out and getting to know various departments at…
ISC 2022 in Hamburg
Three eventful days are over and we are happy about a very successful ISC22. Since the event was held in Frankfurt in the last years, it took place in…
5 MEGWARE Systems in the Top500
We are proud to announce that 5 of our currently installed High Performance Supercomputer belong to the 500 most powerful non-distributed computer…
Meet MEGWARE at ISC22 in Hamburg
After a three-year break, we are especially pleased to be a Bronze Sponsor at this year’s ISC High Performance in Hamburg. From May 30 to June 1, we…
MEGWARE is taking center stage
Today, for once we are not filming at our customers, instead this time we are taking center stage. Together with our partner Inspur we are shooting a…
Happy Easter!
Easter time is coming around again.
We wish you a wonderful start into spring and a bright and happy Easter filled with lots of yummy Easter eggs!